Smart Buisiness Intelligence Solutions

With system for business implemented with sense

We work together with you, committed to modern technology and innovation

We understand the importance of digital transformation as a neccesity for succesful bussines. The ability to adapt to the constantly changing work environment gives a real opportunity for competitive development.


qualified in the field of information, communication and innovation technologies.


of unquenchable curiosity and desire to acquire new knowledge and skills.


towards stable partnerships built on mutual respect, trust and cooperation.

With proven

reliability based on a team with an average age of 39. and over 70 years of combined professional experience.


Provides monitoring and diagnostics of all loads connected to the system;

Enables active load management based on a complex of power regulation algorithms based on analysis of IBEX Day Ahead segment data;

Constant market function based on data analysis for the next 34 hours and real-time optimization;

Taking control of active power management based on pre-agreed and declared load schedules in order to reduce imbalances;

Analysis of the energy produced, delivered and/or consumed for any arbitrary period of the system's activity time, to improve the optimization models of the specific energy infrastructure;

Optimization of electricity costs, based on achieving minimum prices for its purchase;

Optimization of the revenues from the generated energy, based on the optimization of the delivery mode to the electricity transmission network;

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